
Hullo! I’m feeling much better and the computer is fixed as well! It’s also weekend so there’ll be some markets in Berlin. On saturday I’ll be at the Maybachufer market and on sunday Laury will be at Mauerpark. If you’re in Berlin, come by and say hello! If you wanna get bunny stuff, like books and such but you can’t come to a market go here: www.dirksbigbunnies.com/shop
Have a good one!!!




Sorry for being a crappy poster, lot’s of stuff going on I’ll tell about later. It’s weekend of course so that means we’ll be at markets. Tomorrow Vera will be at the Maybachufer market and sunday we’ll both be doing the Mauerpark market. All in Berlin of course, if you’re not here and you want stuffies go here: www.dirksbigbunnies.com/shop
Do you remember the clip I made for the band Nörd? This one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Os5Da_rpXcI
They’ve got their album out and it’s really good! Check it out.tumblr_nec4nrRcgA1s3mivlo5_500


It’s weekend again so that means we’ll be freezing on markets! On Saturday we will be at the Maybachufer market and on Sunday I will be at the Mauerpark market while Vera will be nearby on the wonderful market on Arkonaplatz. Please come by and say hi! If you are not in Berlin or you want to stay inside (understandable) but you still would like to buy some of out stuff you can always go here: www.dirksbigbunnies.com/shop
Have a nice weekend!XXEOOfy

it’s weekend and shit

Tomorrow it’s weekend again and life starts up after the holidays. There is one market where we will battle the weather and sell stuff (hopefully). It’s Saturday at the Maybachufer, please come by and say hi if you’re in Berlin. If you still wanna get some stuff and you don;t wanna go out of are not in Berlin go here: www.dirksbigbunnies.com/shop
Have a nice evening! Dirk



happy new one!

Happy new year everybody, my laptop broke down a while ago so I can’t draw any bunnies while in the Netherlands. So I will try to draw a Bunny with the keyboard of my parents computer.

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Luckily I made a screenshot!

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christmas and stuff

Hullo there! It’s weekend, as you probably know.
This weekend me and Vera will be at a christmasmarket, here:

https://www.facebook.com/events/965240573490117/?fref=ts and

Laury will be here:


If you wanna listen to me and Dan having a conversation about…well…nothing in particular and listen to some fine music you can go here, I had a fun chat on his radioshow: www.soupygato.com

Have a good weekend!

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